Tuesday, 21 February 2023

My journey to a sub 18 parkrun through the carnivore diet

I have been thinking about this post for a while and starting the YouTube channel made me think it was time, the next question was where to start the post from. I figured the best place to start would be around 2009. I will be breaking this down by running / weight and creating video content for that as well with more details. Well hopefully.

Pre 2009 – Boring stuff

No real running and since about 16 weight was between 16-20 stone and I had tried things like low calorie diet to lose the weight but it always came back on faster than I could keep it off. 

Me before any weight loss, bigger than my pregnant wife!

2009 to 2012 – The Ledderhose Years

Most people won’t have heard of the condition called Ledderhose disease / plantar fibromatosis but it dominated my life between 2009 and 2012. The condition is when a non-cancerous tumour presents in the base of the foot. Often described as painless this is often not the case of many patients and for me it started to become painful in around 2009. At its worst the nodule was pushing into a nerve in the arch of my foot causing pain and shooting sensations up my leg, like stepping on lego with every step. I was even using a walking stick a lot of the time to take some of my considerable weight off the foot. 

I went through various treatments and in the end had radiotherapy that put the pain into remission, I still have the lump in my foot and standing around all day can still trigger it but running seems to be ok for it. 

2013 to 2014- A failed attempt

After 67 min 10k
In 2013 I started running a little but followed standard dietary guidance. My weight got down to around 15 stone, I think, but I used running as an excuse to eat extra, even if it was a pre run banana. I started my parkrun journey at around 33 minutes and managed to break 30 minutes once. I also took part in a 10k race and finished in around 67 minutes. 

At this time however running didn’t become a habit, in 2014 we moved house, other priorities took over and my weight went back up to at least 18 stone. At a Christmas party my wife said we both needed to do something about our weights and a little research later we started low carb. 

2015 to 2016 – Riding the wave of beginners luck 

In 2015 the weight flew off with low carb and I kept riding the wave, my 5k time trials and eventually parkrun times kept coming down and down. To me it was shocking, my original aim was consistently sub 30 and by the end of 2015 I had a sub 20 and a 42 minute something 10k under my belt. I was one of those annoying people that would go flying past you with a running buggy with my daughter asking why we were going so slow today. 

My Weight loss in 2015 using Low Carb

2016 kicked off with my first half marathon and I got round in around 1:34, remember my 10k time on a normal diet was 1:07. I was thrilled, training kept going well although I had niggles throughout. Shin splints, ITB pain, runners knee, I had most things! By the end of the year I had a PB of 19:14 at parkrun and 1:30:10 over the half marathon and even did a sub 20 at parkrun with the running buggy. Life was good. 

2017 to 2018 – Dark days on injury and some weight gain

With Everything going so well we entered Brighton Marathon and things spiralled out of control from here. Honestly I probably started to introduce too many nuts, too much fruit and cream and much weight started to come back on a little. Especially as marathon training completed busted my knee and I basically has to resort to cycling a lot. Physical therapy, strength training and everything I tried didn’t work and I basically missed 2017 and 2018 with my knee injury until December when I picked up a pair of Freet shoes. 

Me slightly chubby in 2018 whilst injured and eating too many carbs. 

2019 – Barefoot running to the rescue 

Going low carb changed my life in 2015 but finding minimalist shoes, and I do sometimes go barefoot, got me right back on track. I struggled much more to get my weight down and although I broke 21 minutes it was hard work but I was running again and things were going well. My weight was not perfect but was far more sensible than when I was injured. Around this time I also trained to be a fully qualified running coach under the England Athletics training schemes.

Running a 10k in Vibrams

2020 – Lockdowns and fasting 

Like many people my mental health suffered with lockdowns but I kept getting out for fresh air by doing some gentle plods. As soon as club sessions were allowed we returned keeping in line with whatever restrictions were in place. Still not happy with my weight in 2020 I used various types of fasting and thought that I had found the solution. I was losing weight easily and mostly felt good. I can’t remember why I stopped fasting but once I did it seemed impossible to get going again. 

2021  - now – The Carnivore Journey, return of parkrun

Around Easter 2021 I yet again found myself with my weight increasing. Now it was not high carb bad but still around 14 ½ stone, which coinciding I am only 5’9 is not great. Honestly not sure how I got there again, likely a combination of too many carbs through fruit and dairy and too many low carb treats. I decided to give carnivore another crack and started weight training as well. 

I always seem to do better the lower carb I go and after starting in Feb at around 205lbs by the end of the year I was down to 150lbs. Sticking to meat only my weight has not gone above 155lbs but as soon as I allowed fruit and yoghurt (feeling sorry for myself when I had an infected back) I did reach 165 and learnt my lesson. I am now pretty stable around 147lbs 

I will do a more details review on all these things including what I do eat on Carnivore but it is mainly beef, sometimes some lamb mince and pork belly or bacon and for variety I do have some cheese and salt everything to taste. I only drink water but have never been a fan of much else anyway. In terms of running I continued to be injury free through using barefoot shoes by various brands. When parkrun returned in around August 2021 I was in about 23 minute shape but through the weight lost with carnivore and the motivation of parkrun I was back under 20 minutes for the first time in 5 years by December and hit 19:37 in Feb 2022. 

In March 2022 I had the back cyst infection that required surgery and was either at reduced or no running for around 2 months and gained the weight mentioned above. I came back to parkrun in about 22 minute shape and we were onto the slower summer route. By August I was feeling in good shape and had found Altra’s. Whilst I love my barefoot shoes I do find I am quicker with at least a little padding under food and the foot shaped toe box and zero dropped seemed to be great for me. So we headed to another local parkrun which is known for being pretty fast and I ran my first PB in 6 years with a sub 19. 18:57. I was pumped. 

Back on my usual course I then got my first ever first finisher and the next week broke my PB even though we were on the slower route in late September. Come October I set a PB of 18:17, then I got a cold and never really got back in form. I mean I was still running well and took my 10k PB down to 39:57 and then 39:30, though the latter was on a fast course and should have been quicker. I eased off the gas for December and reminded myself just to enjoy running and training and forget about the times. 

January 2023 and I was feeling strong again. I had one of my best ever runs on a very windy day running 18:29 on 14th January. I knew I was in PB shape as the conditions were horrid. Sure enough at the end of Jan I smashed all targets and ran 37:58 for 10k and then Feb 2023 has been awesome and has seen me set my 3 fastest ever times (with one Saturday left) and included my first ever sub 18, running 17:59. 

So I am still, hopefully going strong. My plan is to enjoy training and see where things go. I have a half marathon coming up but I am still just training as I feel I haven't done longer than 10 miles in a single run but have done 14 miles in a day and back to back days of 10,10,12,6,14. Assuming conditions are good, and taking into account the steep hill, I want a time of under 90 minutes but it will be what it will be and worst case a good training run. 

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