Sunday, 28 April 2024

Every setback is a chance for a comeback - Campylobacter

Campylobacter infection, fun times. Feels like ages ago now but it was just 3 weeks. I started to come down with having to tun to the toilet, I felt hot and cold at the same time and a little sick and weak. I had actually just beaten 2 guys that I normally battle with at parkrun and felt a sub 17 was close. Sadly the diarrhoea just kept coming and coming until I have to go to the doctors. 

Over the last few weeks I have been sat at home, in lovely running conditions, as the people I was beating have been breaking the times I want to break. And with my fitness down the drain, my weight increasing, the summer coming, a holiday coming and an op coming I am looking to next week now before I can get anything like back to where I want to be. Anyway, I have ended up having numerous blood and stool tests and finally it was found that I had a nasty Campylobacter infection. 

As I say it started out with be getting worse and worse diarrhoea and generally feeling naff. It peaked with me going to the loo over 20 times a day, for a week, and feeling so run down, so much so that we can to call in support to take my daughter to school as I couldn't manage the 1km walk. After the week of 20+ times a day I had a week of around 10-12 times a day and then another 4-5 days of 4-5 times a day and so far a few normal days. 

I did slip from being completely carnivore as I couldn't bare meat by itself. I have been ok with pork belly but not burgers, instead I have been cooking some mince in tomato passata and putting some cheese on top. So heavily meat based but until I am back to full strength and fancying full carnivore I am going to stick with this. 

I am hopefully in the final stage of recovery now and I have managed to do a few short runs, that being said I am still very fatigued and my bloodwork suggests my kidneys are still far from right. Hopefully that will rectify itself over the next few weeks. 

So with all that being said, every setback is a chance for a comeback. Life will be getting in the way over the coming months and then my local parkrun moves to the slower summer route.... So I am setting up sights on next winter and how I can best prepare for that? I have a few things I want to take to target this, and ideally smashing my goals next winter by being aggressive but without compromising my core values.  

  1. Use ActionCam to record my return to fitness as a series - This will keep me accountable

  2. Different speed sessions

  3. Consistent and better strength training including Plyometrics 

  4. Back to the mental training - Confident mind etc.

  5. Stricter feeding window - start with 6 hours to get weight under control.

  6. Do challenge parkruns- slightly dehydrated, too many clothes - overheated, post intervals on the way down, long run Friday.

  7. Consistently / Vlogging Blogging again

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